Nordin Glassix Plus

£249.40 (excl VAT)

Fiber post kit

SKU: GLASSIX PLUS Category: Tag:


Radiopaque & light transmitting fiber post

Glassix Plus is the latest generation of highly radiopaque & light transmitting fiber post. Anatomically shaped to fit the root canal (cylindro-conical) with a colour coding for easy identification and mechanical retentions they come in 4 different sizes.

For corono-radicular reconstructions.

Radiopacity % aluminium equivalent: ????????????????? Flexural strengh Mpa:


Optimal radiopacity (350%Al.)
Light conducting for the use of Dual curing resin cements.
Anatomically shaped with a helico?dal structure – twisted groves – that gives mechanical retention
without any breakage points.
Elasticity close to natural dentine (20 Gpa)
Enhanced mechanical properties (1500Mpa)
Aesthetic thanks to its translucent matrix.
100% biocompatible- epoxy free

Kit contains 20 posts (4 x 5), 4 reamers and 1 pilot reamer.